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Property Rent Rates & Price Trends in NH 8, Dharuhera - 2020

Price trends for rental properties of NH 8 depict the rental real estate scenario of Dharuhera. Owners of Rented flats in NH 8 should consider the price trends data so that they can correctly fix the rent of properties. The right priced rental properties in NH 8, Dharuhera always tend to attract a large number of seekers for the property. The price trends data lets the end-users and industry players see the highest and lowest locality rental rates, apart from knowing the average rental rates of NH 8, Dharuhera. Presently the rental price of properties in NH 8 starts from around ₹ 6500 and the average rental price of properties for rent in NH 8, Dharuhera is ₹ 6083. ...

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Disclaimer: makaan.com Price Trend has been created based on the asking prices of the properties listed on the website and are not based on the actual transactions. Makaan.com gives no guarantee of the accuracy, reliability and completeness of any information and data should be verified independently.

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