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Property Rent Rates & Price Trends in Nandurbar - 2020

The latest trends on renting a property in Nandurbar help the end-users and investors to take the right decision. The rental price trends of Nandurbar highlight the price range and the average rental rate of property in Nandurbar. Rental price trends in Nandurbar can be used to compare the rental options in various localities. This helps the landlord and tenant know the right price in their locality and in neighbouring areas before taking a final decision. At present, rentals properties in Nandurbar starts from around ₹ 15000 while the average rent in Nandurbar is ₹ 7500. At present, there are 0 localities in Nandurbar where the rents are moving higher. At the same time, there are 0 localities in Nandurbar where the rents have reduced. The data clearly highlights that the rental prospects of Nandurbar are showing a down trend since the last six months. makaan.com provides regular updates on the data of price trends of rental rates in Nandurbar. Over the site, one can also track the rates of luxury and affordable apartments for rent in Nandurbar. Look for quarter-on-quarter comparison of rent for apartments in Nandurbar in the specified budget. ...

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Disclaimer: makaan.com Price Trend has been created based on the asking prices of the properties listed on the website and are not based on the actual transactions. Makaan.com gives no guarantee of the accuracy, reliability and completeness of any information and data should be verified independently.

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