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Property Rates & Price Trends in Pondicherry - 2020

The current price trends of Pondicherry show the overall direction of the real estate market. These trends help an investor to know whether it is the correct time to buy or sell properties in Pondicherry. Currently the price of properties in Pondicherry starts from around ₹ 3.99 lacs while the average price of properties in Pondicherry is ₹ 67.34 lacs. There are nearly 4 localities in Pondicherry which are showing an upward price trend while 0 localities are witnessing a downward trend. Overall, Pondicherry has a price trend which is moving up since the last six months. ...

Disclaimer: makaan.com Price Trend has been created based on the asking prices of the properties listed on the website and are not based on the actual transactions. Makaan.com gives no guarantee of the accuracy, reliability and completeness of any information and data should be verified independently.

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