How To Combine Feng Shui And Vastu To Improve Flow Of Energies

How To Combine Feng Shui And Vastu To Improve Flow Of Energies

How To Combine Feng Shui And Vastu To Improve Flow Of Energies

We experience different kinds of invisible energies and wish to surround ourselves with positive ones, hoping they would bring tremendous improvements in our lives. Nowadays, the ancient principles of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra are being widely adopted by homeowners and growing in popularity to achieve the same. Originated in two different countries centuries apart, the two theories revolve around harmonising the environment through modifications in aspects of house design, construction, décor, etc. It is also possible to apply both the concepts together in your house for combined benefits.

However, the two philosophical systems slightly differ from each other with regards to the prescribed five elements. According to Vastu, the elements are earth, water, fire, air and space while Feng Shui regards metal and wood among the five major elements along with earth, water and fire. While the Chinese system of Feng Shui is more applicable for existing spaces, Vastu concepts can be applied before, during and after the construction of a building.

MakaanIQ lists ways you can attract the goodness of Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui:

The centre

According to Feng Shui, the centre is called the heart of the home, also considered the yin-yang point from where all other bagua energies originate. Similarly, Vastu lays importance on the Brahma Sthala or central point of the house. It says that the area needs to be kept clutter free to evoke pleasant vibrations.

Also Read: Vastu For The Centre Of The House

The greens

Lush green plants symbolise life and growth and bring charm to any empty space. Adding greenery inside the house stimulates Chi forces, according to Feng Shui. Plants with sharp leaves add more Yang while round-leafy plants bring more Yin qualities inside the house. In Vastu, too, keeping certain plants such as tulsi or bamboo is considered auspicious for the house. Both the philosophies count thorny plants such as Cacti, sources of negative energies. The east corner of the living room is known to be ideal for green plants to boost good health and vitality.

Also Read: Have Indoor Plants? Follow These Vastu Tips

The colours

Feng Shui strongly encourages the use of cool colours for increasing the Yin in the house. Thus, it recommends use of earthy tones such as blues, peach, greens and browns for certain areas. The sacred Chinese system also emphasises on enhancing the chi energy through varied design and interior décor for the house. Vastu experts advise use of certain colours in certain directions. And all directions are represented by different planets. For instance, the moon represents the white colour, and could be used for adoring the north-west walls; blue should be used in the west corners as it is represented by Saturn.

Also Read: Tips To Choose Vastu-Compliant Colours For Bedroom

The water

Aquariums or fish tanks are excellent stress-busting décor products which can lower blood pressure and anxiety levels. Keeping an aquarium of good and healthy fish in the house can nullify some Vastu defects. Presence of fish aquariums can overthrow evil forces and will rectify defects that cause finance-related issues. The predominant element in aquariums is water and fish. According to Feng Shui, the rapid movement of fish increases the active Chi energy leading to improved health, happiness and wealth in the family. It is believed that feeding fish regularly can build our good karma. Placing an aquarium in Vastu recommended directions of the north or the east can drive out the negative energies from your home. It is would be interesting to note that Feng Shui and Vastu warn against keeping décor pieces with water features in the bedroom.

Last Updated: Fri May 19 2023

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