Things You Should Do Before Shifting To A New Home

Things You Should Do Before Shifting To A New Home

Things You Should Do Before Shifting To A New Home

Moving to a new house is always exciting. But the 'to do' list can be exhaustive. To shift to a new house, you not only have to pack your things and prepare the new house. You should also check for flaws, and get them fixed. While getting everything done and finalising the movers and packers, do not overlook minor faults. Here are some things you should do in your new home before moving in.

Get it painted and professionally cleaned

Some people may leave the home cleaned for you, but some may not. It is always better to hire a professional cleaner who can easily help clean cabinets, plumbing fixtures, carpets, and counters. Painting the home before shifting is also a great way to get the house cleaned. It would be easier to get a vacant home painted rather than a filled home.

Get done with dues

Make sure all your outstanding dues have been paid. We are not talking about the utility bills alone. You might have been using the services of many people during your stay at your old place — this could include domestic help, electricians, plumbers, cleaners, gardeners etc. It is imperative to inform these people who assist you to live easily your day-to-day life about your decision of moving on. More importantly, none of them should have a reason to complain after your departure as for as their payments are concerned.

Make it pest-proof

If there are a few days left before you move in, take some time out and get a pest control spray. There might be a chance that you may not see bugs. But bugs would be there, and you would not like to share your new den with them. It will be difficult to evacuate bugs once your stuff arrives. So getting it done in advance will save your pets and children from being exposed to harsh chemicals.

Plan for children and pets

If you have children and pets, it is better to make your new home friendly for them. Take ample measures for their safety, security, and comfort. Find a way to take care of your children and pet for the day when you will be busy packing and shifting to your new home. Take help from your family and friends to look after your kids and pets on the shifting day.

Get new switch plates and buttons

The house you have been planning to move into may have undergone many renovations. There may be many incompatible switchboards or buttons. There could be many dirty, broken or discoloured switch plates too. It is always better to get all the switch plates replaced with new ones because this not only creates uniformity but will also add newness to the home.

Get mechanical equipment cleaned

Before moving in, get the heating or cooling systems cleaned and serviced. Get the air-conditioners and the kitchen chimney serviced and cleaned for improving functionality.

Also Read: Moving To A New Home? 7 Things You Can Do Away With

Check the paper trail

There are so many papers that you have to give and take from so many people while vacating your old place and shifting to your new home. While most of them could be collected online, some of them will have to be collected in their physical forma. The residents' welfare society of the old house, for instance, will have to issue you a no-dues certificate. It is better to attain all this documents while the transition is still underway. You might be shifting to a far off location and coming back again and again to collect documents might be burdensome.

Change outdoor locks

Safety comes first! The moment you get the keys for the new house, get a new set of locks installed for the main or the outdoor door. You ca never be sure that the previous owners, brokers or maintenance people do not have had a hold of the key to that door. For the safety of your new home and family, it is important to get the locks changed immediately after you take possession of the property.

Install window treatments

Do not ignore the windows of the home. Before the day you plan to shift to the new house, make sure that all windows have either curtains or temporary shades. It is important to get this done in all important rooms to ensure safety and privacy. In the night, you would not want peeping toms to see what you are doing.

Give that healing touch

During your stay, you might have caused some damage to the property, and it is only right that you correct it before leaving. If it were a rented residence, be a good tenant and own up the harm you might have caused to the property and pay your landlord according. If it were your own property and you have sold it off, the new buyer will surely point you're the faults and you will not have much choice in the matter. However, do not forget to correct the damages that might have occurred during the shifting process. Mind you, small gestures leave a lasting impression.

With inputs from Shweta Talwar

Last Updated: Mon Sep 25 2023

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