How To Ensure Your Property Registration Application Is Not Rejected

How To Ensure Your Property Registration Application Is Not Rejected

How To Ensure Your Property Registration Application Is Not Rejected

Under the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908, and the Transfer of Property Act, 1982, you become the legal owner of a property only after registering it with a competent authority i.e. the sub-registrar of the area.  And, there is a price to be paid for that. Across India, buyers generally have to pay one per cent of the property deal as registration charges. This means if you have bought a property worth Rs 1 crore, you will have to pay Rs 1 lakh as the registration charge.

Going for registration means you are about to finish the lengthy process of property buying and you would not want to make any mistakes owing to which the sub-registrar would refuse to register your documents.  To make sure such a situation does not arise, you have to keep certain things in mind.

Now E-Register Your Property Using Your Aadhar Card

  • First of all, make sure you approach that branch of the sub-registrar's office under whose jurisdiction your area falls. Any error here would amount to an outright rejection of your application and prolong the process. You finding the branch concerned, take an appointment from the office, which is generally given after you pay a registration fee.
  • Any flaw in the information given on paper could also become a cause of rejection. Make sure all the details, numbers, names, signatures, etc., are duly provided and there are no mismatches.
  • When it comes to official documents, any kind of flaw or mistake is unacceptable. This includes smudges, deletions, insertions, alterations and blank spaces. It is better to keep the paper as clean and flawless as possible. In case there are changes that need to be incorporated, get a fresh document made. 
  • You have to mind the language of the document depending on the state where you are going to register the property. If you are going to register a property in Kerala, for instance, the sub-registrar may not reject an application written in, say, Tamil, but he may ask you to provide a translated version of the document.
  • All parties concerned have to mark their presence to complete the registration process. This includes the buyer, the seller, the agent and the witnesses. Each of them has to show proof of identity as part of the process.
  • If the sub-registrar finds that the executor of the documents is not competent to perform the task, he may reject the application. This could happen if the person is a minor or is not of sound mind. 
Last Updated: Tue May 24 2022

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