Home Sutra: Taj Mahal Statuette Is Great Gift Item For Your Loved Ones

Home Sutra: Taj Mahal Statuette Is Great Gift Item For Your Loved Ones

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The joys are sharing are immense. It is precisely for this reason we never get tired of buying newer and newer gifts for our near and dear ones. While buying the presents, however, we must also be mindful of the fact that this gift is going to have an impact on the recipient's life. According to Vastu, for example, if you gift a painting that depicts war or emotional conflicts, it may negatively impact the receiver of the present.

What should you buy for them, then?

While there are many choices when it comes to buying a gift for you loved ones, a Taj Mahal statuette could be a great buy. Watch this video in which our expert P Khurrana talks more on the subject.

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@@Tue Feb 15 2022 16:49:29