How To Attract Positive Energy Using Unicorn Qilin

How To Attract Positive Energy Using Unicorn Qilin

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The Qilin is a heavenly creature with a body of a horse, head of a Dragon and carp fish scales, which is believed to be the guardian of the heavenly gates. Keeping this symbol at homes or workplace is known to bring strong protective energies and blesses the owner with good luck, longevity and prosperity. The Chinese Unicorn Qilin, also referred to as the Dragon Horse, has a special place in the pantheon of Feng Shui symbols. 

The Qilin has been popular since the times of the famous Chinese philosopher, Confucius, and is a revered symbol of positivity even today. There are many ways in which you can include the Chinese Unicorn in your home décor, as mentioned below:

Qilin for protection

A pair of Chi lin resembles the Fu Dogs. So, Qilin, too, can be placed at the house entrance to attract Chi. Position the statuettes on high ground. With a higher royal status than other Feng Shui guardians, the Unicorn will safeguard the home against harmful forces.

If you wish to use the Unicorn as a décor piece to adorn your living room, place it as a wall scroll or small figurine in the east or southeast corner ─the directions which correspond to the life areas of health, family, money and abundance. Also note that you can keep the Qilin near the main door, say in the foyer, but never keep it directly facing the front door.

Qilin for career luck

The Qilin is a powerful Feng Shui cure to activate the north bagua area, the career zone. Use the symbol as an excellent showpiece for your work desk or office space. This will help boost your career luck.

Qilin for children

Keeping the Qilin in the northeast direction will support children's education whereas displaying it in the southwest corner will bring luck in life areas related to marriage and children.

Also Read: Feng Shui Tips For Placing The Fu Dogs

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@@Wed Jun 12 2024 15:34:12