Tips To Kick-Start Your Home Remodelling

Tips To Kick-Start Your Home Remodelling

Tips To Kick-Start Your Home Remodelling

We need to go for a homes makeover or home remodelling once every 10 years or so, just like we give ourselves a wardrobe makeover every now and then. From creating new space, upgrading fixtures and incorporating interiors that are in vogue are all part of your remodelling plan.

Knowing that remodelling could be as challenging as getting a new construction in place, MakaanIQ gives a few tips to help you get that project to a good start:

Assess your home

Take a complete tour of your home, inspect each area and write down what you would want to remodel and how. Evaluate your roof, windows, drainage system and other major appliances. Make a list of the items that need to be repaired or replaced.

Be realistic

You should have a clear idea of what you could achieve with a set budget, availability of resources and time you invest. Set your priorities accordingly. Do not go beyond your means even if you are tempted to.

Research properly

Before you begin with the remodelling process, it is imperative that you have a clear understanding of the entire project. Research thoroughly about the cost of the materials, labour charges, professionals if needed, and other necessary preparations like safeguarding the existing things that would still remain at home after remodelling. For instance, cover your furniture before the painting work begins.

Choose the right time

Time is a valuable resource and it shouldn't be underestimated. Do not assume a small remodeling project will take just a weekend's time. Home improvement and renovation projects are time-consuming and there are countless hours that professionals put in to put up a good show. When planning a remodelling project, time it correctly, so that you don't end up clashing it with your work schedule.

Last Updated: Thu Jun 16 2016

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