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Paint On: 5 Innovative Ways To Colour Your Walls

Walls are like a blank canvas waiting to be filled with colours. Painting walls with desired colours and textures breathes life into our homes. With technology and the ever-rising consumer demand for the new, the market now offers various ways of doing up the walls.

MakaanIQ lists a few innovative ways in which you can transform your walls:

Vegetable painting

Vegetable painting, a popular way of painting in ancient times, has been revised many times over the years to fit the bill in today's times. Vegetable painting involves cabbage painting, an effective way to add textured look to the walls.

Dip a half-cut cabbage in paint and then press the painted portion on walls to create a floral effect. You can carve various vegetables like potatoes and use them to create interesting motifs on the wall. Use this technique to accentuate one of the walls in your living area or bedroom.


Abstract painting

Many of us adorn our walls with abstract paintings. How about painting your wall in an abstract form? You could hire a professional and give him or her the freedom to paint your walls in an abstract design with your favourite colours.




This is a popular home-painting technique that involves creating motifs on the walls that are already painted in a traditional way.  Use of stencils is not new, but it is now being used more than ever. So, go ahead and hire a professional who offers you a wide variety of patterns to choose from.



Chevron patterns

In vogue lately, chevron patterns can completely transform the look and feel of your room. These straight-line patterns can make your room look spacious, depending on the kind of pattern you choose. You could convert an entire wall or opt for an oversized approach by connecting two adjacent walls with this pattern.



In drag painting technique, the wall is coated with paint first and, before the paint dries, there is another coat applied over it with a different hue. This leaves over the wall a very interesting and rugged pattern that looks unique and artistic.


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