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Sai Sun Paraiso

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Sai Sun Paraiso

Siruseri, Chennai

56.79L - 1.15Cr 4,726/ sq ftEmi from 43,598 for 20 years

Villa, Plot
916 - 2,451 sq ft
Launching Soon

Sai Sun Paraiso Floor Plans

* 1 sq M = 10.76 sq ft
Mar 2023
Possession Date
Full Power Backup

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  • N
    50.2 L - 1.5 Cr

Siruseri is a southeastern suburb of Chennai . It is situated around 25 kilometres towards the south of the city, along Old Mahabalipuram Road . It is located between Navallur and Kelambakkam . It is ... know more about Siruseri


Right Angle Properties is a leading real estate entity which is known for quality and transparency. Right Angle Properties has managed to carve a niche for itself with unmatched quality, aesthetic appeal and customer service. The portfolio of property by Right Angle Properties includes multiple residential projects in and around Chennai. Unique Selling Point: The company has its own team of skilled property development professionals. The company wishes to build communities at projects which are ... more projects from Right Angle Properties

Makaan.com is an online platform for real estate property listings. Makaan.com allows its users (real estate agents or individual sellers) (“Users”) to post their Listings and share information of the properties available for sale or rent. Makaan.com only provides a platform for, and therefore merely displays, the information as uploaded by the users. Makaan.com does not in any way facilitate the sales between the Users and you/visitors and is not acting on behalf of any User and cannot be deemed to be a real estate agent as defined under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (“Act”).

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