

Home Sutra: Let Positivity Flow Through Your Balcony [Video]

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You thought your balcony ensures your house has a property ventilation and gets enough sun and wind. In fact, you use the area to keep your washing machine and dry your clothes. You also find it extremely soothing to sip your evening tea relaxing yourself in your reclining chair at your balcony. A balcony is also your window to have a look at the outside world without leaving the comfort of home. However, you might not have realised that your balcony is much more than all that. According to the ancient science of Vastu, the presence of a balcony in your home decides the presence of positively in the surroundings. This means that a house with no balcony could be a home full of disappointments and negativity. So, next time you think of covering the balcony area to increase the space, think again. While there is space crunch in our urban living spaces, we do need balconies to stay positive.

Noted astrologer and renowned Vastu expert Acharya P Kurrana talks about the importance of a balcony in our homes. Watch the video and design your home accordingly and let the positivity flow in.

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