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Child Psyche Takes The Front Seat For Developers

Buying a dream home is considered to be a complete family decision which not only takes the adults needs into account but also of the children. Looking at how children are influencing the home buying decision nowadays, the real estate developers have began taking into account the child psyche.

Communicating to the kids

Recently, advertisements by many developers are observed to be targeted to children as the prime influencers in home buying decision. Property ads emphasising on 'giving your child the best home' or 'buy home to give your child a secured future', have become a trend.

Kids signify a key probability to developers because they are well-aware of their surroundings, needs and future plans, thus, have a say in their parents' buying decisions. Children starting from the age of five, are considered to be the prime influencers.

What's their pick?

While putting big money to purchase a house, kids are the trigger for a buying decision. Nowadays, parents prefer to shift closer to their office area so that they can spend less time commuting and give more time to their family. On the other hand, some prefer to live in proximity to their educational institutions.

So, we would see many developers marketing their project on the basis of the nearby office spaces, special economic zones and even IT parks, while others boast different educational institutions surround the project.

Many developers are also promoting various recreational activities available in the project that ensure overall growth of the child.

The kids may not be directly affected but the security and the neighbourhood also help influence their growth and social behaviour. So, developers also advertise the safe and happy homes for kids.

Gone are the days when buying a home was parents' sole decision but now with a thought that the property will eventually be their child's asset, they include them to have a clear image of which property is best suited for the whole family. 

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