Home Sutra: Vastu Tips For Electric Motors

Home Sutra: Vastu Tips For Electric Motors

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Imagining our lives without electricity is impossible in today's time. From the tiny bulb to the big air-conditioner, all things that we use in today's world run on electricity. However, utmost care must be taken to avoid a situation where this benefactor turns into a damaging agent. The electric motor, for instance, is an equipment which must be installed in the house, keeping certain factors in mind. 


An electric motor should be installed in the southeast corner of the house which is the direction of the fire god. If you cannot find a space in the southeast direction then consider placing it in the northwest corner which is the second-best option for keeping electrical items.

Keep in mind

*Do not keep the electric motor below the staircase.

*Never install an electric motor in the south or the southwest direction as it can lead to accidents.

*Ensure there is no water body or water-décor features near the motor.

*Do not keep the electric motor in the west direction as it can lead to financial losses or health issues.

*A slope or road in the southeast corner near the electric motor can invite negative energies or create a fear of fire.

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@@Tue Feb 15 2022 16:49:29