Dining Space Best-Suited For Your Home

Dining Space Best-Suited For Your Home

Dining Space Best-Suited For Your Home

In a typical household, dining spaces are created based on the number of people in the family.  The availability of space is another key factor while making that decision. Here we help you with some idea to pick a style which is personally more relevant to you.

Breakfast booth

This is for those who are always in a hurry. Set it up right next to your kitchen to have an easy access to everything you want for your breakfast. Design the walls around it with some graffiti or posters. Use some bright colour leather for upholstery to complete the look. To create the breakfast booth, you could pick a corner wall.

Folding set up

Space crunch is common in today’s homes, especially in affordable homes. Such home owners can opt for foldable kitchen island that can be converted when needed. Invest in bar stools and pop up the kitchen island, which is otherwise installed in the wall, for use.

Classic setting

This is the formal dining style for those who have designed their home luxuriously. Add a formal dining table done in high-end carved wood. This dining style looks perfect when done for a large number of people, say, an eight-, ten- or a 12-seater. For this dining style you need a designated space closer to your living space. Do the surrounding walls luxuriously and add a chandelier to complete the look.

Dining-cum-leisure space

Designed for a home of two, this space acts as both a dining table as well as a space for leisure. Away from the cliché, add a coffee table along with two cushioned chairs, a standing lamp and a plant to complete the look. A complete modern look to your house, this can be a cozy corner for the two of you.

Go modern with decor

Giving the typical wooden dining style a miss, you could use metal, acrylic, leather and glass items to create your dining space. Also add some contemporary hanging lights and a painting that goes well with the colour scheme.

Last Updated: Thu Jul 19 2018

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